Effective January 1st 2008

West Virginia State University and West Virginia State University Email Policy

Purpose of the Policy

At West Virginia State University there is a need for electronic communication with students. It is the policy of West Virginia State University that electronic mail (email) be the official communication mechanism with students. Students have a right to accurate and timely information about matters affecting them. West Virginia State University has the right to determine the appropriate vehicle for official communication about matters affecting students. Along with other forms of campus communications, students are responsible for receiving, reading, complying with, and responding to official email communications from West Virginia State University.

All students are assigned an official WV State email address once they are entered into the Banner system by the Admissions Office and all official WV State communications are sent to this email address. Examples of electronically transmitted "official WV State communications" include, but are not limited to: financial aid notifications, tuition bills, notification of grade availability via MyState, or other information deemed necessary for students, faculty and staff.
Implementation of this policy ensures that students, faculty, and staff have access to this critical form of communication. For the majority of students and employees, this will not represent any change from what is currently done; it will, however, ensure that all students and employees can access, and be accessed by, email as the need arises.



This email policy provides guidelines regarding the following aspects of email as an official means of communication:


1.     University use of email: Email is the official means for communication at West Virginia State University. Therefore, the University has the right to send communications to students, faculty and staff via email and the right to expect that those communications will be received and read in a timely fashion. All students are expected to arrange to access this email. There are computer labs on campus and staff will be happy to assist students in using them when necessary. Visually impaired/blind students can use Window Eyes Software, available from the Disability Services Office. The software verbally reads computer screens to the visually impaired/blind.  Information Technology can install this for students in WVSU computer labs. Contact the DSO (304) 766-3083 to request installation.

2.     Assignment of email addresses: Information Technology will assign students, faculty and staff an official University email address. It is to this official address WV State will send email communications; this official address will be the address listed in the WV State directory.

3.     Redirecting of email: Redirecting of official University email is not permitted. WV State will NOT be responsible for the handling of email by outside vendors or by email redirected to another account. Students who redirect official WV State assigned email to another email account may have the official WV State email account suspended.

4.     Expectations regarding use of email: Students, faculty and staff are expected to check their official email address on a frequent and consistent basis in order to stay current with WV State communications. It is recommended that email is checked once a week at a minimum; in recognition that certain communications may be time-critical.

5.     Storage Capacity: Student email accounts are allocated storage for up to 10MB on the mail server; Messages left on the server for over 180 days will be deleted.

6.     Educational uses of email: Faculty may determine how email will be used in their classes. It is highly recommended that if faculty have email requirements and expectations they specify these requirements in their course syllabus. Faculty may expect that students' official University assigned email addresses are being accessed, and faculty may use this email for their courses accordingly.

7.     Appropriate use of email: In general, email is not appropriate for transmitting sensitive or confidential information unless its use for such purposes is matched by an appropriate level of security.

o       Confidentiality regarding student records is protected under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). All use of email, including use for sensitive or confidential information, will be consistent with FERPA.

o       Email shall be the sole method for notification of any judicial actions taken by WV State.

o       Email accounts are a privilege and should not be misused. Misuse of an email account could result in suspension of the account.

8.     Mass Email & Unsolicited Email: West Virginia State University uses email as the means for communicating important daily information to students, faculty and staff. While faculty, staff and students can maintain personal group lists, those lists should not be used to send unsolicited email that violates any of the University policies. Use of groups within West Virginia State University electronic directory without approval of the Director of Information Technology is forbidden.


This policy will be reviewed as needed. Students, faculty or staff with questions or comments about this policy should contact Director, Information Technology.